My 30 year old looks better than ever - Jennie's Aminos

My 30 year old looks better than ever


Dually enjoying time with one of his students


Justine writes... My 30 y/o quarter horse gelding looks better than he has in years. Seriously, he looks like a teenager! He was a pretty competitive cutting horse in his day and his body has its share of aches no doubt. Since being on Jennie’s Aminos for over a year he has built top line, his hooves have improved and he now wears regular shoes when before he needed front pads for his thin soles. His coat is always super shiny and he is happy and perky. He’s been on the joint for almost a year and I saw a huge difference with that as well. I’ve had him since he was 21, and he would never take the right lead. He’s my little kid lesson horse though so that was fine since it’s mostly walk trot. Within 30 days of being on the joint supplement I noticed when I’d turn him out in the arena he was picking up both leads! And on a lunge line he can now pick up and hold the right lead for multiple circles. Of course he’s 30 so it’s not like I make him work that hard, but the point is he has NEVER been able to do that as long as I’ve had him! Thank you Jennie, I’m sure because of your supplements I’ll have my guy around for many more years.

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